Welcome to Shop Against Autocracy. This site exists to support U.S.-based consumer companies who refuse to bow to pressure from the Trump administration. As we see it, most companies comply with the pressure because of their fear of a negative financial impact to their company. We want to counter-balance that fear with our economic support.
This list is inherently subjective, and we reserve the right to add and remove companies using our best judgement. Examples of why companies ARE NOT on this list include:
To narrow the scope of the list, the companies need to have a national or regional presence, or an online store. We love supporting local businesses, but unfortunately do not have the time to maintain a comprehensive list of all of them.
To add or remove a company from the list, please post on BlueSky with the hashtag #ShopAgainstAutocracy and a link to a webpage of some sort to justify your recommendation, and your suggestion will be taken under advisement.
Note that this list does not imply any of the companies on it has a particular political agenda. If a conservative business meets the criteria above, we are happy to add them. The goal is to oppose autocracy, not political policies. (We understand you may disagree with this, and encourage you to start your own list if so.)